Friday, November 7, 2008

Fall 2008

We decided this year to go over to our friends the Williams and go trick or treating with them, their neighborhood had a pizza party and then everyone goes out into the neighborhood. Julia and Chloe (2 years older) enjoyed cruising in the Jeep while Jada and Kynsie (2 mo older than Jada) rode in the stroller. Jada was having quite a time with the concept of putting it in her bag (she wouldn't) she was convinced she had to hold them all in her hands (just in case). Kynsie however thought that she had to return one to get one and would put the one she got from the door before in the next basket and pick out a new one (this included the ones she sucked on). They were pretty cute. Never the less it was good family time and one way to get to know the neighbors. I was thankful the neighborhood remained pretty innocent and mostly community related much like I remember it being. Julia was a fairy princess on a unicorn, Chloe the little mermaid, Jada a bunny, Kynsie a ladybug (not pictured)


Mary said...

looks and sounds like you guys had fun!! very cute!

Kelly said...

I love the pic of Jada's face!

gma1947 said...

so can i get some pictures of the sweet little girls how cute love grammie & popie